About Us

About Us

League of African Women Philosophers

Concerted Synergy, Amplified Impact

The League of African Women Philosophers rose to prominence as a source of empowerment and enlightenment for women across Africa, where the sounds of everyday life blend with the echoes of age-old knowledge. We are an intellectual association with the goal of bringing to light the rich philosophical legacy of our continent and elevating the voices of women who continue to shape its ongoing narratives and discourses.

Our story begins in the distant past, as Africa's diverse cultures resound through the pages of history. Throughout Africa, from the Nile banks to the Serengeti savannahs, a plethora of philosophical traditions have thrived, each weaving its unique tapestry of knowledge. Yet for too long, the voices of women within these traditions have been silenced or disregarded.

The aim of this association is to create a platform for African women in philosophy to connect, collaborate, exchange ideas, mentor, network, and empower each other. The association also seeks to promote the visibility and recognition of African women’s philosophical contributions, both within and outside the continent. The League of African Women Philosophers fundamentally seeks to promote a sense of belonging and solidarity among African women in philosophy, and also to challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that often undermine African women philosophers’ work.

The overarching goal of LAWP is to change the dominant narratives of marginalization and segregation by mainstreaming African women’s perspectives for the purpose of articulating pragmatic blueprints for Africa’s development and decolonization. We are dedicated to recovering the forgotten stories, viewpoints and contributions of African women to philosophical conversations.

Our mission is based on a strong confidence in the transforming potential of philosophy. We picture a society in which philosophical investigation is useful for both individuals and communities and is not restricted to the ivory towers of academia. We hope to cultivate critical thinking skills and increased levels of understanding and constructive action through the application of philosophy.

We acknowledge the diversity of intellectual traditions across our continent and the distinct insights each culture has to offer. We believe that through interacting with this rich fabric of ideas, we can create new bonds, cross barriers, and cultivate a greater understanding of the intricacy and beauty of African philosophy.

Our Mission

  • - Amplify Voices: We aim to amplify the voices of women within the philosophical community by providing a platform for their ideas, perspectives and contributions to be heard and valued.
  • - Promote Dialogue: We are committed to fostering meaningful dialogue and exchange among philosophers across Africa and beyond; hence, creating opportunities for collaboration, learning, and mutual enrichment.
  • - Empower women: We seek to empower women to pursue their philosophical passions with confidence and purpose by offering mentorship, support, and resources to help them thrive in their academic and professional endeavors.

As an association, we are guided by a set of core values that shape everything we do:

  • - Inclusivity: We believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued and respected.
  • - Excellence: We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic rigor and intellectual inquiry in everything we do.
  • - Collaboration: We recognize the power of collaboration and seek to build bridges across disciplines, cultures, and perspectives to create new pathways for knowledge and understanding.

Our programs include the following:

Quarterly philosophy seminars supporting emerging female African philosophers to excel in academics and careers. The seminars provide an opportunity for members to present their research papers, receive feedback, engage in constructive dialogue, and also engage in friendly discussions on specific philosophical topics and ideas to learn from each other.

Biennial conferences on different philosophical themes of interest and relevance to African women, among other activities. The biennial conferences bring together members and other scholars from different regions and disciplines to discuss various topics related to African philosophy and women’s issues.

The association offers mentoring and guidance to young African women who aspire to pursue philosophy as a career or further their studies in the field. It also makes available information about philosophy-related opportunities (such as summer schools, grants, fellowships, vacancies, competitions, conferences, workshops, etc.) from different parts of the world. If you are an African woman philosopher, you are cordially invited to join this association.

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